It is a big responsibility to be a man. One that requires some metaphorically big shoulders.

Yet the first responsibility should always be to ourselves, and we tend to give that up when we get into relationships, or a job, and we put others before us…thinking that’s the “manly” thing to do. But where does that leave us?

Feeling empty, exhausted, on an endless search for a feeling of contentment....definitely not free, happy, and empowered. The promises we make to ourselves end up being last in line.

It is, honestly, easier to keep our word to our partners, or our bosses, because we would feel guilt and shame if we didn’t do any of the things we believe are expected of us. That is often the highest motivating factor in a man’s life once he takes on a career and/or a partner: Do not let others down.

But along the way we subconsciously erode our word to ourselves, because even though we tell ourselves awful things when we don’t follow through for ourselves, we justify our reasons…deftly avoiding the feelings of guilt and shame. 

Somewhere along the line, though, that erosion of our word begins to scratch away at our confidence, at our self-love, at our belief in what we’re truly capable of. In many cases, that leads to bitterness, resentment, or just plain anger towards ourselves…and, in turn, outwardly affects those around us.

It is imperative, for our own well-being, that we cultivate the relationship to our word and, subsequently, to ourselves. One of the most impactful moments in my work with men recently has been the quote, “I do this work for ME.” 

Learning to keep our word to ourselves is one of the most significantly, positively effective things we can do for our lives and for the lives of our loved ones.

“The Word of Man” is THE online space for men to rekindle their self-worth, their masculinity, and their self-confidence…and they do it for themselves, first.

This on-going community of action-oriented men is a space for consistent motivation, endless inspiration, and a space where every man can relate to where another is, or has been, so no man has to feel alone in their journey.

The times of feeling like you’ve got to do this by yourself are over. There is nothing more powerful than a group of men who wish for you nothing but your own success. And if you have never experienced that before you are in for an extraordinary awakening.

I would love for you to join us.

$999.00 USD

Payment plans available. Just reach out.

Please note, what happens in "TWOM" stays in "TWOM", so I will not be sharing any intimate details from the men within the program.

It is imperative that each and every member of this group feel completely safe to be all of themselves, for their own personal growth and understanding.

There are 9 Pre-recorded Modules, plus a celebration call.


4 Pre-recorded Q&A's.


Weekly calls currently happening!

The transformation from these programs can only happen in real-time. It is one thing to accept the knowledge, but the integration takes practice and real-life situations to implement. That is why I'll be running half the program before the holidays, and half after. The holidays are often one of the most stressful times of the year for people, so why not get some tools to help bring more connection, better communication, and a stronger YOU to the season?

Then we will meet again after the New Year to see how things progressed, discuss what went right, what went wrong, and complete the course on a high note, setting you up for your best year ever!

That's why I give an extended period with Q&A's. While every relationship is different, the issues we face generally have very similar sensations and causes within us so by doing this work at the same time as other men, they will all be helping each other...just by asking questions relating to their own situations.

There will be opportunities to continue this work, for yourself, within the group once the program is over. Many men have been in TWOM for 4 and 5 years consecutively, and continue to improve their lives, and the connections with their loved ones.

This is not a step-by-step program that will "fix" your life, this is the pivotal course that gives you foundational tools to make lasting change, over time. Your future self will thank you for taking on this "work of a lifetime".

$999.00 USD

Payment plans available

To join the free Effortless Alphas
Facebook group, click the logo below.

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