THE 4-week Men's Mastermind to achieve or rekindle the best relationship EVER.

Begins March 1st, 2021

Born within each man is the ability to be a leader. He has everything he needs within him to lead himself through any situation...
and lead himself to his version of SUCCESS...
to lead himself and his partner to the relationship they both desire.

Whether that's owning a home with a loving family, having a multi-million dollar business, sailing the world, or spending his days fishing. Each man gets to choose his own version of success.

But society tells us we have to be a certain way. For many of us, our fathers told us that in order to be a man we had to act a certain way, have a "chip on the shoulder" attitude, or go do the "smart/practical" thing and get a job that will pay the bills...

Not ever considering what we, as individuals, might desire.

As we grow, from boy to teen to adult, we tend to lose those deep desires. They get lost behind the screen of an identity that's built on doing a job we aren't passionate about just so we can survive. 


Survival is the bare minimum of what we are capable of. And that's where most men straining to survive. This is what we end up bringing to a relationship. It's noble...but we all thought it would be different.

When another man comes along, who has found his way from simply surviving to abundantly thriving, we tend to shun them away instead of doing whatever it takes to learn from them...

Because that's what our leaders / role models have shown us is the "masculine" way.

I'm here to tell you that what most of society has shown you is the "masculine" way is actually the "boy-child" way...that what we've been shown as the outline for a relationship pales in comparison to what's actually possible. 

We are capable of SO MUCH MORE than what those have gone before us have done or been.

The tenets of self-development have been around for, literally, thousands of years, dating back to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. THEY were saying the same things the gurus of today are saying...

So why has nothing changed in the minds of men for thousands of years? Why haven't we evolved?

Because we've ALWAYS been fighting AGAINST the change instead of FOR a change within ourselves.

When we look throughout history, it's those who were fighting FOR something that have always won. Maybe not at first, but those fighting FOR will always prevail.

What we're seeing now is men fighting AGAINST losing their identity, men fighting AGAINST losing masculinity as a source of power. Society is telling us we're being feminized, and instead of fighting FOR our mature masculine power we're fighting AGAINST the fear of the lack of it. We do not have to follow the narrative that masculinity is under attack, that the world is trying to make men weak. If we choose to see that the world is desperately seeking a mature masculine presence, we can begin to fight FOR it...and find it within ourselves.

What the world desires now is mature masculine men. Men who understand themselves. Men with conviction, strength of character, discipline, and who choose to lead their lives with respect at the forefront. Respect for themselves, for their partners, and for others.

This is the Masculine Expansion

Learning to expand on the things that make us great, fight FOR the depth of mature masculinity within us that is desperately trying to find its way. Taking what already makes each man great and ADDING to it to find a whole new level of what's possible...

For him...

For his relationship...

For his community...

For the world.

Because when a man comes into his mature masculinity...

His world changes for the better.

But it starts within you...from exactly where you're at today.

Your personal journey of evolution begins in...

  • 4 - week Mastermind
  • 3 LIVE Q&A's per week
  • ​Private Facebook Men's group
  • ​Begins March 1st, 2021
  • ​$2,222 USD
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